What four games are on the N64 Mount Rushmore?

Board 8

Super Mario 64
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
GoldenEye 007
Super Smash Bros.

Nominate visual novels.

Thought it'll be an odd topic with most people having played so few! And depressing if people put Tokimemo on just because of Tim Rogers.

LightningStrikes posted...
I do think, and maybe this is a hot take, but the huge agreement on the four here kinda shows that the N64 first party lineup was not so hot relative to other Nintendo consoles. Its Nintendos weakest despite having some absolute classics. Just lacks the volume of their other systems.
Isn't this more because the third party lineup was weak? Most of their other systems have third party contenders. N64 doesn't at all.

lordjers posted...
Or that these games are really that strong. The 4P games here were must play multiplayer games of their time and none of these would look bad on a 5th gen Rushmore either.
Gen 5 Rushmore probably ends up as Super Mario 64/OoT/Goldeneye/FF7. Small chance MGS beats Goldeneye, I guess?
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