Rate the Ace Attorney case: Bridge to the Turnabout (3-5)

Board 8


The murder plot and cover-up is bonkers and not always in a good way, but I can generally forgive it because everything else is so good.

Playable Edgeworth on Day 1 was absolutely perfect fanservice. Bikini is a great witness because she's genuinely telling what she thinks she saw the whole time. Larry's special brand of chaos actually works really well, too.

Then the second day is chock filled with great moments between Phoenix vs. Godot and Mia vs. Dahlia. The Bitter Taste of Truth, the Super Objection, the bloody tears, all so great. "You really are the person I always thought you were" gets me choked up every time. Mia's farewell of "You were as good as any lawyer could ever hope to be" was a poignant send-off for her, especially since she's actually stayed gone.

3-5 landed the dismount for the OT, which was a monumental task.

(Which makes 4-0 all the more offensive because Phoenix is disbarred two months later, but we can tackle that one when we get to it)

Also Phoenix/Iris forever