Rank the Tracks 158: Foo Fighters - The Colour and the Shape

Board 8

My Hero
Monkey Wrench
Hey, Johnny Park!
See You
Walking After You
Up in Arms
February Stars
The Colour and the Shape
My Poor Brain
Wind Up
New Way Home
Enough Space

I'm a big Foo Fighters fan (less so these days, but I was particularly in my late teens and early 20s, where they were probably my favourite band), and while I don't think this is their best album (that title goes to Wasting Light), it's got their best song on it. Everlong is an absolute classic rock song. Dave Grohl is ridiculously talented as a vocalist, drummer, and guitarist, and all three of them shine through in this album. I think the songs surrounding the top four are unfortunately not the strongest - Foo Fighters songs often lack a bit of substance, and when the hook isn't straight up one of the best you've ever heard, they're "just" excellent sounding rock songs. Then again, just about every band out there would kill to have an album with no misses and multiple of the best songs of their genre. Like FoolFantastic says, they sound head and shoulders above your typical rock band. When you sound that good, you can get away with pushing the boat out less.
Perhaps the golden rock was inside us all along.