a new game in the prestigious Hellgate: London franchise has been announced

Board 8

Board 8 » a new game in the prestigious Hellgate: London franchise has been announced

by popular demand im sure

but seriously i did kinda want to play the first one but uh completely forgot about it. then i remembered about it and looked to see if it was on steam and thought mabye id pick it up on sale sometime. then i completely forgot about again until now!
congrats to azuarc for victorying GotD guru
I was hoping it would be titled: "Hellgate: [City]," but it sadly isn't. Hellgate: Cleveland would have put butts in seats for sure.
Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
Played the original at release!

it was not great
The game wasn't amazing, but the setting was great, and I had a good time with it going duo with a friend.

Board 8 » a new game in the prestigious Hellgate: London franchise has been announced