They've finally torn down a former mayor's vanity project

Board 8

Board 8 » They've finally torn down a former mayor's vanity project

I grew up in a minor suburb of Cleveland. We had a mayor who basically stayed in office until he died because he normally ran unopposed. The important bit is that way back in the early 80's, he had a tiff with the local park system and decided to make a small bridge into a single lane covered bridge. For some reason, some of the people in that town viewed it with a sense of pride; I came to know it many years later as a needless pain in the ass when I was commuting.

Fast forward to today. I was driving to my parents' house to deliver a ham and was delighted to discover that they'd torn down this bridge and apparently started turning it into the two-lane bridge it should have been all along. I don't know what the residents of that city think (well, most of them), but the thought of some of the folks who were so proud that it was the only covered bridge in the county reacting to the news lifted my spirits. Maybe it was some weird case of Stockholm Syndrome they had, I don't know.
Board 8 » They've finally torn down a former mayor's vanity project