Best Pokemon Generation by Type, Day 10: GRASS

Board 8

Grass is one of those weird types where there's not a clear winner for me. Each generation has some good shit and some shit shit.

It's just that some have more good shit than shit shit, and vice-versa. 3 and 5 are really the only considerations for me. Like... 7 has just Exeggutor-A, Decidueye, and Tsareena (one of my favorite grass monotypes), while 2 just has Chikorita-Baeleef-Meganium, which is still one of my favorite-designed grass starter lines.

Yeah, Grass just isn't one of my favorite types. It's one of those types that needs another type to function properly, what with its weaknesses to Fire, Flying, Bug, and Ice. Three of those are bad to be weak to. The Grass/Poison types they insisted on in Gen 1 were even worse, with the additional weakness to Psychic in lieu of the one to Bug. Roserade is awesome despite that.
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