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Board 8

Xtlm - uhhhhhh... OH, he's a fellow retro game collector. He also enjoys Japanese Saturn games. True.

Wicklebee - no idea

hombad46 - another fellow One Piece bro, and when I made my Pokemon Sword/Shield topic asking people their thoughts, he was actually one of the ones who convinced me it sucks

Andddd I think that's it. Whew that took all of my mental energy

MacArrowny posted...
I'll have you know I played NiGHTS into Dreams recently and now acknowledge that Sega has made another good game :p

Well don't stop there; keep going! Hit up Xtlm; I'm sure he can recommend you something

UltimaterializerX posted...
The problem with me trolling for so long is people dont take my opinion as me actually meaning it when theyre against the grain as it were.

I promise you I despite Shadow of the Colossus and think the game is bad. That is not me trolling.

sorry cant hear you over how ignored you are
Hey TomNook play me in smash for your account