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Board 8

BlueCrystalTear - Okay so this is the account I confused NBIceman with. I already know im an idiot ok

And oh boy lol. Just like with Ulti, people deserve second chances, but man you were infamous on my main forum back in the day lmao. No joke - once a year I get together with my old internet friends, and we reminisce on the old forum days, and one time they were like "Hey Josh, remember when you invited that guy andyman to our forum?" and I just had to sit there and let them laugh at me and take the L.

But whatever its all good. And nah I haven't watched Survivor in forever. God I forgot we used to go hard on that shit here on b8 with Inviso and everyone. I think I even ran Save my Survivor? Between this and Pun's post I'm now suffering from second hand embarrassment, so thanks a lot guyz

colliding's actual serious writeup - despite our differences we could probably both karaoke the Lunar music together so he's cool with me. PS: this writeup wasnt serious at all

catesdb - oh dude she's hilarious - "grandia 1 looks like a middle schoolers cartoon show" lmao and also "i will now rank .3 vgm" lmao i still have no fucking clue what that meant or what the rules were.

And she made the Unicorn Overlord topic so yeah she's cool

ZaziGuado - im drawing a blank right now sorry ;-;

guffguy89 - see above

_Blur_ - he's my Bloodborne bro. Also I enjoyed watching him conquer F-Zero 99, and I remember there was a game contest where we had to choose between Smash Ultimate and Elden Ring, and he was like YO THIS IS HARD, and I was like YO SAME, so he has good taste

MacArrowny - A bit of a mixed bag for me

He was an absolute bro in my FF14 topic
Hates The Quarry

Souls detractor who just made up random nonsense in his arguments
A wiseass who joked there aren't that many great Sega Genesis games

So the jury is still out on this guy

Hey TomNook play me in smash for your account