Best villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Board 8

Agreed w/ para. Denofrio killed it as Kingpin. And Keaton as Vulture is also great. I like the villains that who take/make shit personal. Killmonger makes that list. A lot of people are saying Cottonmouth, but Mariah Stokes really took shit personally.

I have a hard time taking Thanos as a great villain because nothing he did to anyone was really personal. He actually wanted to help people, but was very badly misguided in his attempt. Kill half of all life and it is all back in a handful of decades. He wasn't saving anybody, let alone the universe. I'd put a dunce cap on him. Capable of anything, fails to be even a half decent villain/anti-hero-as-he-wished.
Existence. Existence is but shallow question with no answer. Buu make you chicken nuggies!