SHINE Containment Topic 24 - The Jack Bauer of Containment Topics

Board 8

X-Men Origins Wolverine - 51/51 trophies
Complete the game on hard
Platinum trophy

Don't tell anyone, but I cheated on the final boss. I used an infinite rage code for special attacks because they're the only viable method to damage him. He takes ages to whittle down otherwise, he keeps teleporting around so you can't hit him for long, and he heals over time. I beat the first two phases, and died during the third phase when he starts destroying the arena. The frame rate tanks during this bit, until eventually I couldn't get out of the way and fell. It's not a difficult battle as I was in no danger of running out of health from his attacks, but a tedious one because it takes so long, and there's a checkpoint after beating the first phase, but not the second. Using certain cheats in this game is supposed to disable trophies, but if you enter them and quit to the main menu before reaching a checkpoint, trophies will be re-enabled and cheats will still be active.

With 92 platinums in the bag, I'm starting to think about what should be number 100. I'm considering Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed, which only needs one more trophy, but it's for collecting all stars in the campaign, which I've been trying to do on and off since I got the game at launch. After 12 years, I may have to concede that I'm simply not good enough at the game for that, but not yet. I can keep trying! I considered Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 on PS4 as well, because I got it on PS+ and the PS3 version was my first platinum, so it would be fitting in that sense. I ultimately decided against it, as it's not challenging enough to make up for being a repeat platinum. It can be number 101 instead, it still sort of works as a bookend at that point.
Call from demon - with dark power to tempt your mind, very proud of the power. Destroy the firing shot!