Next time LMS makes a topic

Board 8

He'd message me repeatedly without a clear reason or mutual desire to talk about whatever he was talking about. He talked about odd off-site stuff like lists as contest evidence in the stats-topics, and I think he eventually landed on a contest leaderboard (though I can't find it right now)...but nobody who was relying on the evidence he had of off-site lists should be doing competitively well in a GameFAQs contest like that, so I think he could read and understand us just fine. He didn't feel reactive or responsive when we talked on the board either and it just felt weird.

I don't remember extremist-platforming talk from him, personally, but I blocked him years ago and trust ya'll who are saying it. He seemed harmless in some ways, but he seemed isolated enough to fall for that kind of pipeline too so I dunno. Sucks if true.
O P E R A T I O N O U S T : Nominate SHEIK!