Valentine's Day Mafia Topic 12: All's Fair in Love and War

Board 8

PeaceFrog posted...
You are 50% on my alignment.

You are 0% on what i am thinking or planning and you spent so much of your brain power on days 2 and 3 trying to make sense of me. There was one point where Dumey outright said, "i think peaf FAFO'd a bit too hard" and you replied "no he wouldn't do that."

I don't need any clearer example.

I was right scum was involved in the final 7 though so Im not sure what it matters. Even if you just decided to kill yourself all the following information was relevant. Why didn't scum press looking into that if it was all town? It's because *shock* it wasn't all town.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!