Valentine's Day Mafia Topic 12: All's Fair in Love and War

Board 8

Forceful_Dragon posted...
I think there is realistically a logical reason not to blow up 3 people in 5v2 on 7, but I'll have to go over that when I'm not on mobile.

I went over it in DTC

This day you're basically gambling on

1. It's Ulti + someone
2. It's exactly Isquen + Sultan
3. It's exactly JC + Dumey
4. Its exactly FD + Mzero

Ulti bombing into Dumey + FD or JC + Mzero or someone bombing into Ulti + Isquen solves much better

You basically do not want a situation where scum can pair in final 5. A guaranteed day will pretty much always be better.

With 3/7 shots you're pretty likely to hit scum.

Like there are very narrow situations where triple kill at 7 isn't best but like why would you ever assume scum had any pressure to pair with 7 left given how that day went. Basically everyone was throwing out two date requests and not many people were threatened with isolation because of martyr meta

Anyway what I learned with this game is I'm never letting myself die again-- despite all the talk of how I throw games late it's obvious when I'm dead late game towns have leadership issues and just kinda mull about so may as well just try.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!