Board 8

The version I'm talking about is this one:

Brave Leader Yuffie

Compared to Intermission's Descendent of Shinobi:

And it'd be great if Stamp's themes are on there - I'd just seen several reports from people with the OST that they are not (although they are on the bonus physical CD...). E.g. This post at Resetera from a guy who seems to know his stuff:


I'll just quote it for ease of reference too:

"- The popular Stamp theme, among other's such as Kyrie's theme and the remix of Beck's Badasses, are not on the digital OST. They are on the bonus disc of the special edit version, which going by Remake, will never be released to digital platforms at all. The tracklist for that can be found here under disc 8.

- Aside from those, you're not going crazy if you still feel there's a ton of other missing tracks. These have a chance to appear on the Original Soundtrack Plus, which going by the timing of Remake's, should release around the end of this year. Remake's included a bunch of cutscene themes and variations on existing themes, but honestly Rebirth's has way bigger shoes to fill as there's a ton of essential tracks just straight up not here, imo. Nevertheless, here's Remake's just for comparison. This should also come to digital platforms, going by Remake's.

I'm really hoping that *maybe* that bonus disc makes it onto the OST plus, as Stamp's theme has become incredibly popular as well as the fact that Remake's bonus disc was just the jukebox arrangements whereas Rebirth's feels much more essential to the overall OST, but I don't wanna get my hopes up."
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