Board 8

MartinFF7 posted...
Yeah it is tricky because on one hand you're saying it's consciousness only that can shift but like, we watched Sephiroth cut a hole in reality and send Zack, body and all, tumbling through it? That's a lot more than just his mind/consciousness??? Actually come to think of it we saw Aerith do the same thing with Cloud in the church too. Or is it, like... the "reality hole" is just something the mind perceives, so the consciousness goes tumbling through it while the body stays behind? really I just need to stop thinking about this, lol.
I think it was just consciousness in both cases. Represented as body. But when they wake up, they do so from consciousness only.

In Cloud's case, you can imagine his body went comatose again after Aerith sent him away. Then Seph killed both of them a few seconds later in the church. Seph always kills Aerith, Zack always dies by platoon fire, etc
he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance