Yes! A Great Ace Attorney Chronicles playthrough topic

Board 8

Onto Case 3! We arrive in jolly London, and I wonder how long the cheery facade will be maintained before our foreign duo are faced with the darker side of empire. Our first new friend is the Chief Justice guy whose name I forgot to write down (Strongarm? Strongheart?). He's very precise with time but also over an hour late to meet us so can't be that good at his gimmick. I'd be surprised if we don't wind up locking horns with this Gant-esque figure by the endgame, especially with how strangely he discusses and reacts to Ryunosuke carrying out Kazuma's mission.

After a nice moment for our heroes refusing to wager a man's life, we make our way into the case itself. Congrats to Ryunosuke on managing to not be the accused this time! With a new courtroom comes an introduction to the jury mechanic. This could be very interesting, though I'm not sure exactly how it works in practice. Susato's comments suggest that recklessly pressing witnesses could hurt us by pushing the jurors towards a guilty verdict, but I'm not sure if that's meant as a warning not to press every single statement (which I usually do), or if the juror opinions are scripted and we don't have any influence in the matter until it comes time to the summation. I'm playing things cautiously for now, just in case.

The summation itself is fun, I enjoy how quickly we get them to turn against each other (and Beppo) with violent threats. Maybe in a future case we'll have one of these jurors as the defendant and another as the victim! Having them declare their leanings by tossing fire onto the scales is surely very dangerous and impractical, but damn if it doesn't look cool. Less cool is our new prosecutor, whose gimmick is 'racist vampire'. I'm not feeling this guy! Stop saying Nipponese like that! Pour your wine faster! I don't know why he came back from a 5 year retirement for this particular case, and at this point I'm not all that interested.

The case itself is progressing fine. Easily the most intriguing moment so far is when we're asked whether the cubbyhole in the Phoenix Wright Omnibus was empty. It's not framed as a monumental 'what kind of lawyer are you' moment by any stretch, but I like the game challenging the player like this. I am a dutiful little lawyer and had of course investigated the hole, seeing that it was not empty earlier on but became empty at some point after Lestrade's smoke grenade. I chose to be honest, and it cost me a couple of jurors. I'm curious how the other options would play out there, and whether it'd make a difference to anything.

The characters du jour are... fine, so far. I'm enjoying the jurors more than any of them, really. For a while I wonder if we're heading to a 'our client is actually guilty' test, but the case is pulling away from that idea now. Our friendly Irish philanthropist is still a shady dude so the moral shadings remain, though. Gina's alright once I get past the barrage of stereotypical lines.

As things stand the jury and the public gallery have taken control of the courtroom and demanded Fairplay and Furst testify. Fairplay has a motive already but Furst is a non-entity so we'll see how things develop from here. It's looking like this'll be another pure court case, hm.