Yes! A Great Ace Attorney Chronicles playthrough topic

Board 8

Will do, thanks!

I finished off the first case, there wasn't much left after all. I don't think it needed the extra wrinkle of Nosa's plate being swapped with Brett's, and I don't really like that one of the key moments was Ryunosuke simply remembering that he saw blood, but as far as first cases go it's cool. I like our main BFF duo, all the set-up for the political machinations to come, and Jezaille Brett is a good villain as our first glimpse of entitlement and empire. Her not receiving any comeuppance is also a more interesting result than the alternative, though we must get more info later on as we don't even have a motive for the murder. Hosonaga is decent (bio says he's 29 lol anime ages), but I didn't care for the other two witnesses. I'm unsure how having multiple witnesses on the stand at the same time will be important later on, the Pursue mechanic was obviously straightforward here but I wonder how they could actually make it interesting.

I assume Kazuma's favour will involve Ryunosuke traveling abroad with him, and I look forward to seeing what this game's depiction of Victorian Era Britain will be like. If Jezaille is any indication, I don't think it'll be so friendly to our Japanese boys! Actually I have no idea how much of these games will be in Japan, I assume we'll go back and forth but it may make more sense to be in Britain for the rest of this game at least. We'll find out, I guess!