Ranking all 90 characters in the AA popularity poll by if they deserve to win.

Board 8

55. Shah'do


Can you pet the dog? No. Can you vote for the dog? Yes. Should you vote for the dog? I dunno, I think the other animal options are better to be honest. Shah'do's no Missile. He is still a dog, though, and there is a high floor to that.

54. Nayna


If you ask me, Nayna has some pretty serious drip going for her, and that alone gives her overlooked illustration potential, which is enough to give her some points in this ranking. I just think it's funny to describe an old woman as having 'drip.'

53. Bobby Fulbright


In justice we trust! Look, they're not going to do anything spoilery with Bobby Fulbright that would actually make his art REALLY COOL, so he takes a pretty big penalty for that. Art of the Phantom? Cool. Art of Bobby Fulbright? Feels like a pass, to me.

52. The Amazing Mr. Hat


Hey look everybody, it's the amazing Mr. Hat! He truly is amazing! So amazing, that he got fourth billing in this entire character list, as one of the trilogy's most prominent characters! Solid joke vote, but tt's a little TOO obvious a joke vote to truly have the highest comedy potential, in my opinion. I have other ideas.

51. Miles Edgeworth


Yeah yeah yeah, I know. Like I said with Phoenix at #90, it kinda sucks that Edgeworth probably WILL take top 3 in this poll even though this is very much not his trilogy and he's only barely in it. That sets a ceiling on how high I'm willing to rank him. But... BUUUUUUUT... it's the glasses, man. The raw sexual charisma of Edgeworth's hot dad glasses bring me to my fucking knees. Edgeworth is so unbelievably hot and I absolutely could use more art of smoldering professor Edgeworth over here. I would be completely incapable of complaining about this. Gimme. Gimme hot Edgeworth art. We're probably gonna actually get this one, so yeah. Boring pick but the upside is hot dad Edgeworth.