Finally played through the Half-Life 2 trilogy [GFNW]

Board 8

Its been on my backlog for 20 years LOL

God it's such a badass game all around. I'm mad it took me so long to get around to it, especially since I love Portal and L4D so much. HL2 has such good level design, enemy design, puzzle design, I just went through the entire game feeling like some badass genius. Theres no map, objective markers, lame cut scenes, complicated menus - it's just the player relying on themselves to intuitively get through some kickass levels. AND it's all one seamless experience too like new God of War, which is crazy.

AND the game just switches genres ever two hours. Like alright now it's a puzzle game, now it's a horror game, now it's a squad shooter, now it's Pikmin

Alyx Vance is very believable and likable, and I actually love Dr. Breen as a villain - he's such a pseudo intellectual dweeb, like the video game equivalent of jordan peterson or something

And like, that's just core HL2. Then there's Episode 1, which is cool - more classic HL content, but it's Episode 2 that really ratchets everything up to 100. Better graphics, new enemies, and just badass set piece after badass set piece. OG HL2 was one of those landmark games that changed how physics worked in games forever, but Episode 2 brings everything on par with Portal and L4D

And I can't BELIEVE that ending. Half-Life fans have just been sitting on this for 20 years? Holy shit, poor guys

Is HL2 an overall 10/10? I definitely think Portal is, but I'll have to think about it. It's very close though

Now I just need someone to let me borrow their gaming PC and oculus quest so I can play Half-Life Alyx
Hey TomNook play me in smash for your account