Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is officially a game for furries. (No Spoilers)

Board 8

Board 8 » Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is officially a game for furries. (No Spoilers)
Okay, but will you be able to buy instant udon in-game and have it stolen from your inventory by enemies?
"God Hand is the ultimate expression of the joy of humanity, specifically the punching part of the joy of humanity."-Shigeru Miyamoto
ffvii has red xiii it was already a game for furries
"You're childish. What are you getting? Are you getting strawberry? Ha! That's such a childish flavor, only children eat strawberry."
god i love the advertising for rebirth in japan though
Already was a game for furries.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.
Is the Moogle Cait Sith is riding single?

Asking for a friend.
God has heard my soul.
UF8 posted...
god i love the advertising for rebirth in japan though

This is great haha
Not to be confused with XIII_Minerals.
Board 8 » Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is officially a game for furries. (No Spoilers)