Raetsel Raetsel Inc.'s fifth music ranking! [NOMINATIONS]

Board 8

Bane_Of_Despair posted...
Oof rip to the working day people who don't have jobs that can have time browsing lol, ah well

Since this last day went so quickly--and by my count handsomeboy puts us at 302 and my paranoid "but what if the best song was nomination 302 and cutting things off at exactly 300 means I'll never hear it?!?" makes me inclined to include those two extra songs--I'll let anyone with nominations left add up to two additional songs for the next... 48 hours, we'll say?

...I probably shouldn't, but even if everyone takes me up on the offer, it's still not much more than 300 songs and it's fairest to everyone else. Or... fair-ish, at least.
Founding member of Raetsel Raetsel Inc.
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