Raetsel Raetsel Inc.'s fifth music ranking! [NOMINATIONS]

Board 8

Nomination tally. Asterisks mark people who have used their one long song:

Nominations Remaining:

-hotdogturtle- has nominated 5 songs
azuarc has nominated 5 songs
Bane_of_Despair has nominated 5 songs
banshiryuu has nominated 5 songs
Chaeix has nominated 4 songs
DanKirby has nominated 9 songs
FL81 has nominated 5 songs
GavsEvans123 has nominated 5 songs
handsomeboy2012 has nominated 5 songs
JohnBobb has nominated 5 songs
MarkS2222222222 has nominated 5 songs
MaxGalactica has nominated 5 songs
Murphiroth has nominated 5 songs
NBIceman has nominated 5 songs
NFUN has nominated 5 songs
paulg has nominated 5 songs
Place has nominated 5 songs
Player_0 has nominated 5 songs
Raka_Putra has nominated 5 songs*
rwlh has nominated 1 song
Tked has nominated 5 songs*
ZaziGuado has nominated 5 songs

Nominations Filled:

BlackDra90n has nominated 10 songs
MacArrowny has nominated 10 songs
Mega_Mana has nominated 10 songs
redrocket has nominated 10 songs
Snake5555555555 has nominated 10 songs*
tazzyboyishere has nominated 10 songs*
TunnelScene has nominated 10 songs

TOTAL: 179/300
Founding member of Raetsel Raetsel Inc.
Song Ranking Topic (Nominations Wanted): https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/8-gamefaqs-contests/80704470