Anagram ranks anything Mario-related

Board 8

- Frog Suit Tier
Lou Albano
Practice Makes Perfect (Legacy X)
Blindfolded Mario Maker Guy
Mario Bros.
Stanley the Bugman: Is this guy canon? Does he still exist in the Mario universe? Because he's the only Mario human who's not associated with Mario in some way, right? The Wiki says he shows up in the WarioWare games, I guess that counts. Last appearance that wasn't a rerelease or a sticker in Smash is in 2009, ouch. Even Daisy does better than that. Man, even I haven't played Donkey Kong 3. I think the most memorable thing about this character is that he's probably the inspiration for Felix Fix-It in Wreck-It Ralph? I never saw the second movie, I heard it was terrible.
Torpedo Ted
Mario vs Sonic at the Olympic Games: It's so bizarre that this was the game, this of all things, that finally gave us the Mario vs Sonic rivalry crossover kids had wanted for sixteen years. No one on Earth wanted a sports game. Everyone wanted some kind of platformer or something. And like I said, I'm not a minigame lover. The only thing about this I remember liking at all was that they acknowledged Sonic's inability to swim by giving him an inner tube whenever he's in the water, but like, that is not enough to save this for me. Let's see, who are the playable characters... All the Mario standards, all the Sonic standards... Blaze and Vector? I'm gonna level with you, I have not played a Sonic game since S&K, I don't know anything about modern Sonic lore or who these characters are. God, it also has Mii support. I never liked Miis.
Grandpa Mario (Serving Tray): You should've nominated the serving tray itself, it's so ugly and everything is off-model. But just focusing on this one picture of this one guy, Grandpa Mario here looks like he was some kind of sea captain. This is my fanfiction of this obscure noncharacter from the 1980s.
NBA Street V3
Mario Paint
Yoshi's Safari: I have a serious question. What genres of video game has Mario not been involved with? Because this is a lightgun FPS of all things, which is about as antithetical to Mario as I can think of. I make fun of Miyamoto a lot for shutting down interesting ideas, but the flipside of that is that Mario has way fewer completely garbage games than Sonic, who will whore himself out to ANYTHING. Wait a second, Iggy Koopa is the one who designs robots to fight Mario? Iggy Koopa? He's a mechanic? ... Okay.
Racist Mario: For a second, I thought this was Arin Hanson's work. Remember when he wasn't just a LPer? The idea of Mario being angry at non-Nintendo characters being in his game and getting violent is potentially funny, but they are way too talky in this. There should be like 1/3rd of the dialogue, and some of the deaths just aren't funny (especially Donkey Kong's). This video is relying way too hard on being disgusting and violent for humor, and most of the jokes just don't land. Kratos showing up isn't funny at all.
Fat Yoshi
Thunder Cloud (Mario Kart): I completely forgot this thing existed at all. The speed boost is nice, but what does that have to do with lightning? Why does it make you immune to rough terrain? Completely bizarre concept for an item, I'm sure they just wanted to have an item with both benefits and drawbacks. This is rarely something I ever wanted to see when playing.
Casio Hellburst: Yeah, look, I know I said I like when fans make cool things out of properties they like, but like... I sort of assumed that it would at least be in the spirit of the thing they liked. This is JRPG boss music, not bing bang wahoo Mario music. I went ahead and watched some of this game in action, and I can see that it's obviously doing a thing with a different tone than regular Mario stuff, but I don't know. It reminds me of the Phoenix Wright fan cases where the characters curse. It's just completely at odds with what the game actually is.
Donkey Kong Jr. (1982)
Special Mariko Broken (Sket Dance Chapter 91/Episode 39): Boy oh boy, are you on the wrong track if you're nominating F-list anime for me to rate. I've never even heard of Sket Dance. I don't have a Crunchyroll account, so the only way I was able to watch this was as an undubbed non-youtube upload in Japanese on a guy's Facebook account. I don't speak Japanese, so I am forced to make up my own plot based on what I see. Okay, the anime stars Dudebro, Blonde, and Text-to-Voice Man. They're on some kind of gameshow with some extras, which they lose, and then a gross pedophile persuades them to play a knockoff Mario cartridge by Wontendo. Dudebro and Blonde yell a lot for reasons I don't understand, so I'll assume they have mental disabilities. Wow, these graphics are pretty good for an NES. The game briefly turns into a Dragon Quest parody, then the TV grows a hideous brown tentacle that flies into the controller, then there's a VN, then they play the game of Life, which is possibly the most boring boardgame on Earth. The end.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005