Super Bowl LVIII Discussion Topic

Board 8

Thorn posted...
not cinematic enough

back them up to like the 25. mahomes is flushed out and throws to kelce who gets it on a busted coverage (with no camera angle in the entire stadium catching what happened to the defender to be the new grassy knoll) at about the 10. He's gonna score, but wait-! Bosa comes from behind and forces the fumble and recovers and is going to return it to the house (why is he returning it at all? we'll never know)

Kelce sits on the field in despair knowing he has blown the chance for the Chiefs dynasty as the play continues but just when all hope seems lost the stadium screens cut to Taylor Swift who shouts her encouragement to him. There's still time, Bosa is just nearing midfield -- if he hurries he can still make this right. Running like he hit all the turbos he catches up to Bosa at the KC 3 where he's engaged in some showmanship as he is about to put the exclamation mark on this game when Kelce dives forward and forces the fumble himself and recovers it.

Now, turning around he sees the long field in front of him - he's just run like 120 yards on this play, does he have enough gas in the tank to run it back for the GW score? He checks his arm where the Pfizer patch now rests and realizes, yes, yes he does and truck sticks through the 49ers defenders on the way to the endzone.

Not diabolical enough.

Swift then emerges from the tunnel, both her and Kelce are in tears. He says he has something for her. It's an engagement ring! The most beautiful anyone has ever seen. She's in tears, but she tells him she has something for her too.

They bring out a man with a bag over his head. He's squirming and yelling about how much he loves America. They take off the bag and it''s...DONALD TRUMP. OH NO! Travis Kecle laughs and is handed a huge glowing needle. It is labeled "VACCINE MAXIMUM DOSE". They inject Trump has he tries to free himself. it's too late. His skin melts off his head Indiana Jones Ark of the Covenant style.

Monday morning all teachers have been replaced by drag queens.

Thank you for Chris and xp for helping me finish "your insane uncle's Facebook conspiracy" theater.
"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."