I'm late to the party but Jojo Rabbit is a perfect film.

Board 8

Board 8 » I'm late to the party but Jojo Rabbit is a perfect film.

How is it so good.
Good, no one disagrees!
It was my third favorite movie from that year

But still quite good
not the best waititi film but not a bad one either
It was my #6 of the year, but it was a very strong year
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ https://goo.gl/Diw2hs
VintageGin posted...
It was my third favorite movie from that year

But still quite good

UF8 posted...
not the best waititi film but not a bad one either

Johnbobb posted...
It was my #6 of the year, but it was a very strong year
give me names
best waititi is still what we do in the shadows (but i am exceedingly biased because it is the most "local to me" humour imaginable. absolutely just the most nz film)
It's phenomenal. Great film in pretty much every way.
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
I really like it.
"A blank page or canvas, his favorite. So many possibilities."
- RIP Stephen Sondheim, 1930-2021
Likely my #3 from 2019 behind Uncut Gems and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
I also liked it a lot. Way better than the director's Thor movies.
Why do people act like the left is the party of social justice crusaders?
Johnbobb posted...
It was my #6 of the year, but it was a very strong year
This exactly. I'm sure our top 5 is different, but I'm happy to quote this and agree at it being a strong year and also our #6!
Bells, bells, bells!
I would only put it below knives out and parasite. As far as my liking of it went. Thats high praise.
Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA
I saw someone on Twitter say it was an evil film that promoted nazis
pjbasis posted...
I saw someone on Twitter say it was an evil film that promoted nazis
That person is the dullest tool in the shed. It is literally the opposite of that.
Existence. Existence is but shallow question with no answer. Buu make you chicken nuggies!
Jojo Rabbit is great, though it came out in the year Endgame did so it's not my number one of the year. And it is definitely not my favorite Taika Waititi movie. I got a lot more fun out of Thor Ragnarok and What We Do in the Shadows, and Hunt For the Wilderpeople is his best imo. It's a damn shame Love and Thunder was so meh.

Oh, and there was one thing that bothered me while watching Jojo Rabbit. Imaginary Hitler keeps trying to get the kid to smoke, though real Hitler was very anti-tobacco and ran a prominent campaign against smoking. So much so that Germans were, at least for a time, pretty resistant to modern smoking bans.
Existence. Existence is but shallow question with no answer. Buu make you chicken nuggies!
I didnt know that about hitler and smoking. But even knowing that, Im ok with thinking of a 10yo being so extremely impressionable with regards to smoking. Especially in this movie where the entire reason for imaginary hitler is the kids navet
RikkuAlmighty posted...
give me names

In hindsight I don't know that I keep Endgame quite that high but I was very hyped at the time
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ https://goo.gl/Diw2hs
Parasite is great, i forgot it came out that year. Lighthouse is on my list! Endgame is amazing for what it is culturally but Jojo Rabbit beats it out as a single movie imo. Ill check out the others
Last Black Man in San Francisco like fully broke me by the end
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ https://goo.gl/Diw2hs
RikkuAlmighty posted...
I didnt know that about hitler and smoking. But even knowing that, Im ok with thinking of a 10yo being so extremely impressionable with regards to smoking. Especially in this movie where the entire reason for imaginary hitler is the kids navet
I mean, yeah, but it took me out of the movie a bit. The Nazis actually ran the first anti-tobacco campaign in history and if that kid was really living in that time he'd have been well aware of it. It's a minor gripe, but it really did mess with my suspension of disbelief.
Existence. Existence is but shallow question with no answer. Buu make you chicken nuggies!
Parasite and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood were the movies I was thinking of, but I forgot Knives Out came out that year. I guess I'd put Jojo Rabbit fourth then. Damn, what a year.
Waititi admitted he didn't do any research into Hitler since he thought he didn't deserve a historically accurate portrayal. Doesn't help Waititi is himself Jewish.
Why do people act like the left is the party of social justice crusaders?
oh baby we doing 2019 top 10s?

(|| ' ' ||) When have you ever seen three big, very smooth arcs
. /|_|\ of hair sticking out of a person's forehead? I haven't!
That was a stacked year because I actually saw half of those.
I feel like I am the only one in my family who liked Lighthouse
Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA
Here's the rest of my top 10

Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ https://goo.gl/Diw2hs
htaeD posted...
I feel like I am the only one in my family who liked Lighthouse

I remember I was thinking of watching it in 2022, but by the time I was ready it was no longer on Netflix so I just watched Wonder Woman instead. I did end up catching The Northman on TV at my brother's suggestion and really liked it though.
Why do people act like the left is the party of social justice crusaders?
Board 8 » I'm late to the party but Jojo Rabbit is a perfect film.