Do you like this character? Day 1516: Animal (The Muppets)

Board 8

Which character should be done for Day 1517? - Results (26 votes)
Betty Boop (Betty Boop)
15.38% (4 votes)
Big Daddy (Bioshock)
11.54% (3 votes)
Brienne of Tarth (A Song of Ice and Fire)
34.62% (9 votes)
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
19.23% (5 votes)
Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
19.23% (5 votes)
This poll is now closed.
Just post yes or no for whether or not you like the character in question. It can be for any reason. You're welcome (and encouraged!) to give an explanation, but none is required.
No alts, obviously.
Topic generally lasts for 24 hours, but may go on longer if the new one is not up yet.
If you don't know the character in any way, please don't vote. Please also clearly state if it's a Yes or No vote. Neutral = No.
For characters with multiple versions/adaptations, you may use your own criteria (favourite, average, etc).
Nominations are welcome!
Any help keeping this bumped is appreciated.

All Previous Results

Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama): 100.00% [82 votes]
Doc Emmett Brown (Back to the Future): 100.00% [54 votes]
The Joker (Batman): 100.00% [52 votes]
Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation): 100.00% [45 votes]
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes): 100.00% [44 votes]
Mr. Miyagi (The Karate Kid): 100.00% [42 votes]
Lucille Bluth (Arrested Development): 100.00% [41 votes]
Yusuke Urameshi (YuYu Hakusho): 100.00% [41 votes]
Alucard (Castlevania): 100.00% [40 votes]
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad): 100.00% [40 votes]
Kratos (God of War): 57.50% [40 votes]
Rinoa Heartilly (Final Fantasy VIII): 57.50% [40 votes]
Wobbuffet (Pokemon): 57.14% [42 votes]
Mini-Me (Austin Powers): 57.14% [21 votes]
Yoko Littner (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann): 57.14% [21 votes]
General Zod (Superman): 57.14% [14 votes]
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games): 57.14% [14 votes]
King of Red Lions (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker): 57.14% [14 votes]
Yui Hirasawa (K-ON!): 57.14% [14 votes]
Mr. Resetti (Animal Crossing): 56.67% [30 votes]
Zeus (Greek Mythology): 56.52% [23 votes]
Shinji Matou (Fate/stay night): 7.69% [26 votes]
Hannah Montana (Hannah Montana): 6.45% [31 votes]
Nina Einstein (Code Geass): 6.06% [33 votes]
Barbie (Barbie): 5.56% [18 votes]
Chris Thorndike (Sonic X): 5.00% [20 votes]
Chris Griffin (Family Guy): 4.55% [44 votes]
Bella Swan (Twilight): 4.29% [70 votes]
Canary Mary (Banjo-Tooie): 0.00% [19 votes]
Ethan Ryan MacManus (Ctrl+Alt+Del): 0.00% [22 votes]
The Kids (Trix): 0.00% [84 votes]

Last Day's Result
Zod ranks lower than Lex Luthor (95.45%) and Superman (68.57%).

Today's Character
Animal is the wild drummer on The Muppet Show, performing with Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem. A crazed percussionist with three styles of music loud, louder, and deafening Animal speaks in a guttural shout, often repeating a few simple phrases.
Bear Bro