Holiday Simple Mafia sign-ups

Board 8

Looking for 11 people. The rundown:
  • Open setup. Will be 3 scum, 8 town
  • Scum will have no roles, only the night kill
  • Town will only have a doc and a cop
  • No flavor will be assigned to roles, so there won't be a need to meta
  • The only flavor will be write-ups done by yours truly, with a jolly good holiday theme.
  • Self-votes won't be allowed and I promise you that the rules will be perfectly clear
  • All game topics will have the "Mafia" tag; this one does not so more people can see it.
  • Discord servers will be separated this time. They're already made.
  • Hoping to start this on Thursday (I'm busy tonight, tomorrow night, and Friday) but if it doesn't fill up, it'll be Saturday.
Anyway, this is meant to be a good, light game at a busy time of year for people. And it's meant to be fun.

Let me know if you have questions!
Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered!
RIP Bob Barker (1923 - 2023) - and thanks for all the memories.