Do you eat meat?

Board 8

andylt posted...
Huh, for some reason I'm surprised how low the number of vegetarians is!

Vegetarians, especially vegans, have a reputation for being noticeable either on purpose because they like to tell people, or simply because if you try to make meal plans around them, they have to politely note that they need a menu option. But mostly I think board 8 just isn't the target demographic for the typical vegetarian.

For my part, I am about as polar opposite as can be. Some kids hate fruits and vegetables. My parents had me well after their two daughters and just didn't care to persist, and, well, I can't stand them. I like some fruit flavors, so I'll drink juices, or experience some other byproducts like tomato sauce, but I can't stand the taste or texture of basically any non-starchy vegetable and the only way you can ever get me to eat them is in a soup. Within that limitation, though, I still try to be mindful of what I eat because I have a hereditary cholesterol issue.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.