Dead by Daylight Mafia Topic End/Discussion: Scream

Board 8

UltimaterializerX posted...
Where in Vegas do you usually go?

I love it there so much and try to visit at least once a year.
I actually kind of like to stay off the strip. I like to gamble and eat a cheapish buffet that is nice and comforting. So I'll usually hang around the South Point casino and stuff. I've got more memories of older Vegas before it was all high end food and stuff.

I did head into the strip a couple times. Once to catch a hockey game.

Also people probably think its lame but there is an indoor minigolf place that moved into a couple casinos(Rio and whatever Ballys is called now). They have a really small footprint but the courses are A+ mini-golf tier.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.