Iceman's Board Game Topic (Rankings, Reviews, Sessions, Discussion)

Board 8

Another tier down! My prior update had this one going to 28, but apparently I miscounted because dumb.

Games I'd Rather Never Play Again Tier
44. Cards Against Humanity
43. Fury of Dracula (Third Edition)
42. Dead of Winter
41. Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
40. Eldritch Horror
39. Mysterium
38. Exploding Kittens

Fine in Certain Contexts Tier
37. Wavelength
36. Sequence
35. Happy Little Dinosaurs
34. Boss Monster
33. Anomia
32. Hues and Cues
31. Secret Hitler
30. 7 Wonders
29. A Feast for Odin

Usually Fun, But I'd Also Usually Rather Play Something Else Tier
28. ???
27. ???
26. ???
25. ???
24. ???
23. ???
22. ???
21. ???
20. ???
19. ???
18. ???

Somewhat surprisingly, this is the biggest tier, with 10 games total where the two surrounding it both have 9.
Chilly McFreeze