Rate the Black Mirror Episode: S4E6 - Black Museum

Board 8

Screen buzzes, cracks.

After about a week, here it is! Had a great time at the Indonesian Musical Theater Festival (like our own version of Broadwaycon), but next we're visiting the Black Museum. Personally I feel this episode really stood out because it very explicitly ties together several previous episodes. But does it mean it's any good? Let's find out.
The episode is divided into three stories, told by Rolo Haynes (Douglas Hodge), the owner of a remote Black Museum. He tells the visitor Nish (Letitia Wright) about the backstories of exhibits, which involve his previous employment in experimental technologies.

  • Rate the episode from 1 to 10
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Previous ratings:
9.04 - S1E2 - Fifteen Million Merits
8.97 - S2E4 - San Junipero
8.86 - Special - White Christmas
8.62 - S4E1 - USS Callister
8.37 - S2E1 - Be Right Back
8.19 - S4E4 - Hang the DJ
8.13 - S1E3 - The Entire History of You
7.81 - S3E6 - Hated in the Nation
7.06 - S2E2 - White Bear
7.02 - S3E1 - Nosedive
6.86 - S3E2 - Playtest
6.69 - S3E3 - Shut Up and Dance
6.23 - S4E2 - Arkangel
6.22 - S1E1 - The National Anthem
5.71 - S3E5 - Men Against Fire
5.61 - S4E5 - Metalhead
4.88 - S4E3 - Crocodile
4.83 - S2E3 - The Waldo Moment
"A blank page or canvas, his favorite. So many possibilities."
- RIP Stephen Sondheim, 1930-2021