Because of a fanfiction crossover story with Fate, I wanna play Mass Effect

Board 8

But I need some help from you guys first. I remember there being a HUGE internet dust up over the finale to Mass Effect. I can't remember the details specifically but I feel like a lot of it was over the way the story finished up?

I'm not going to waste my time with 3+ games if they The Last of Us 2'd the story. I'm already incredibly aggrieved because the fanfiction in question, the author appears to have either passed away or disappeared off the internet forever. I'm so traumatized I'm to the point where I may never start a book/series again unless I know the author has it finished.

The story in question btw is Man Off The Moon by FiendLurcher, if you want to get yourself incredibly invested like I did. Basically he puts EMIYA (Archer) into the Mass Effect series and has him build relationships w all the favorite characters from it. I found I REALLY liked the Mass Effect chars and basically FiendLurcher did all the buildup and got to where the first Mass Effect starts-ish, before disappearing. It's to the point where I wish I could find a similarly talented author with as deep a knowledge of both Fate and ME lore where they could finish the story for them, but finding someone with their writing style and attention to detail would be a real challenge.

But I AT LEAST would like to finish the Mass Effect side of things for myself. And I know board 8 loves its Mass Effect so I figured you guys could give me a heads up about whether the story got a satisfactory ending or whatever. Thanks for whatever help you can give.

Also I don't give a even a single fuck about spoilers so don't feel compelled to hide anything from me. I've basically pieced together who is good/who is bad/who is a double-crosser from FiendLurcher's story already.
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