Where did Tim Rogers go? (@108, Action Button)

Board 8

Board 8 » Where did Tim Rogers go? (@108, Action Button)
He hasnt uploaded a video in 10 months, and although hes still liking tweets as of 5 days ago, he hasnt actually tweeted in years.
Phantom Dust.
"I'll just wait for time to prove me right again." - Vlado
his next video is stepping it up and is actually 10 months long

it's reviewing some obscure japanese game you've never heard of and will never play
He still streams on Twitch most Fridays. A couple weeks ago he mentioned taking a trip to Indiana, where he recorded the speaking to camera bits for most of his reviews - I'd bet something's coming in ~2 months or however long it takes to edit a 15 hour video.
Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
I think he did say he's working on a lot of the episodes for season 2 simultaneously. Which would make sense, that that would cause a drought in the meantime, BUT all those episodes would be released closer together.

But knowing him, they'll somehow be released even farther apart than season 1's episodes were =]
People who don't finish their sentences
I'm a Castlevania superfan! Ask me anything!
Hes pretty regularly on the Insert Credit Podcast
He's just like this, there were huge gaps between Tokimori/Cyberpunk/Boku too.

He keeps promising to reign in his perfectionist and crunch tendencies so either 1) he is failing and so the videos take longer to make or 2) he is succeeding and so the videos are taking longer to make
I definitely did not forget to put the 2020 GOTD Guru winner, azuarc in my sig!
I'll wait however long it takes
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
There's an Action Button Discord server that posts periodic updates on his stuff. He's on the Insert Credit podcast often and does a lot of streaming, and he's opening for a comedy group later this month? Dude doesn't post a lot but I think he stays busy.
Board 8 » Where did Tim Rogers go? (@108, Action Button)