[VGMC] nice day! feat. CRACK!, drip., SHINE!, SHINE!, SHINE!, and you

Board 8

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Board 8 » [VGMC] nice day! feat. CRACK!, drip., SHINE!, SHINE!, SHINE!, and you
Crystal Caves
for you
Ragna Breakers
Beat the Diamonds
Subterranean Sunrise

Late vote because last night I threw a party for Moonlight Concert winning and I got hangover (clueless). Ragna has been on my mind for a considerable amount of time, but Caves is a very strong song too; I'm behind whoever wins this alright. Diamonds still goes HARD, and Shinin' is still very catchy, specially the piano part, I think I feel the same as M1. Sunrise is still a impressive underdog song, loves the changes sprinkled here and there. For You is cool, just less my type of song. I think I like other Granblues better.

Ragna > Crystal > Kannan > Lost. Diamonds > Sunrise > Shinin' >> For You.
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom - Crystal Caves
Cleopatra Fortune - SHININ' QUEEN
Rogue Legacy 2 - Subterranean Sunrise

no one cared who i was until i put on the mask
Hi. I wanna play you something.
Ragna Breakers is fun as always, Crystal Caves is also fun, but I think that intro in Crystal Caves is what gives it the edge for me. Both fun songs that are flawed in my eyes.

Beat the Diamonds feels like a Castlevania song with a meh melody, so it doesn't really stick out to me very much. SHININ' QUEEN is mostly great, so it gets my vote pretty easily.

Subterranean Sunrise is pretty great with those irregular rhythms and great instrumentation. for you has a lot of great sections, but it also feels like it's dragging at parts. So it's a pretty straightforward vote for Sunrise this time.

Pretty solid day, but not the strongest day.

Votes reiterated:
Crystal Caves
Subterranean Sunrise
Don't trust everything that you read on the Internet.
-Abraham Lincoln
Board 8 » [VGMC] nice day! feat. CRACK!, drip., SHINE!, SHINE!, SHINE!, and you
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