[VGMC] Day 59! feat. Masks, Buildings, Stars, Warnings, Voids, and Fleets

Board 8

Battle Against the Masked Man does feel like a really long intro that doesn't amount to much. It still has some interesting sounds in it. Also it would be nice to see some other Mother 3 songs in the contest. PowerOne is another ambient-type piece, but it has the proper buildup and climax that Masked Man lacks. Great song.

You Can Have Mine is great. Good production and good melodies. Second Warning is uh, not very good. Bad intro and the rest is better, but not super interesting. Definitely the weakest song of the day.

Astebreed is good. The Void is great. Very fun song overall. Megaraph Fleet is also great. Was expecting to vote Astebreed coming into this, but Megaraph is hitting me a lot harder this round, so I think I might go for it. Very close match though.

Mostly good day.

You Can Have Mine
Megaraph Fleet
Don't trust everything that you read on the Internet.
-Abraham Lincoln