Well its offical, im too fat.

Board 8

I hope it works out for you! Weight loss is a pretty interesting thing, because on the outside you just see how it's a matter of maintaining calorie deficit. I lost 100 pounds (255 -> 155 at 5' 10") from mid 2014 to late 2015, and have maintained ever since, and I accomplished that phase pretty much entirely through diet. I didn't add much exercise at all to my routine until 2016 forward when I became more lean but held roughly to that 150-155 figure.

But there's a colossal psychological component to it all. I had several habits I needed to break with relation to my portion sizing. I took six months to "recalibrate" myself and very strictly count calories of every single thing I consumed so that I could know exactly what certain amounts felt like. I had to end that anxiety of "missing out" if I didn't get a specific thing, or even a specific amount of a food. I didn't completely cut out a single food, but I did maintain a couple of rules like keeping my added sugar intake low and making sure my protein intake was good. I didn't really guard against carbs or sugar from fruit, but maximizing the nutrients of what I did eat ended up with the same goal.