Reality TV Discussion Topic: Delayed by the Writers' Strike

Board 8

Another season of Tough as Nails in the books.

I'd say's tough to rank, because I think the first half of the season is really strong, what with Savage Crew being a complete trainwreck...but then they kinda got their shit together while still losing all the time, and it was neither fun nor interesting anymore.

Spoilers for last Friday's Episode and Tonight's Finale:

It honestly would have been funnier to have Savage Crew lose AGAIN in the head-to-head competition, but instead they got a meaningless win to finish the season down only 5-4 instead of 6-3. But then we get Dustin absolutely decimated in the individual competition while Ben wins ANOTHER prize, and Dustin gets utterly smoked by Todd, putting Jessica as the last Savage Crew standing going into the finale.

Then the finale itself has Ben avoid overtime AGAIN, while Jessica loses to Kenji, so the final is just the three guys from Dirty Hands, really making the season feel dull in retrospect. Like...Dirty Hands had the three best players of the wonder they were so dominant. But unlike season 3, which had a similar outcome, you still had underdog Lia make the end to make the ending feel exciting. This time, even though the final was close in practice, Ben still never really lost the lead once he brute forced his way through the opening challenge. And that's the season...Ben was the front runner from the moment he won the very first competition, and at no point was he ever in's a dull, anti-climactic ending to a season that had so much promise. Oh, and having Kenji's entire contribution to the final being him failing to finish the second task of the gauntlet was not fun either.

Season Ranking:


Cast Ranking:

  1. Cheryl Lieteau
  2. Akeela Al-Hameed
  3. Jessica Hayes
  4. Carly Steiman
  5. Carolina Paredes
  6. Marcus Jones
  7. Kenji Ngo
  8. Paul Hamilton
  9. Todd Anderson
  10. Yesi Reyes
  11. Dustin Bradford
  12. Ben Dempsey
Inviso thinks all starters should be Fire/Fighting.