Reality TV Discussion Topic: Delayed by the Writers' Strike

Board 8

Out of curiosity/nerdiness I decided to compile the confessional count for winners and some of these numbers are pretty surprising.

Rob - 97
Tony (28) - 97
Richard - 92
Yam-Yam - 83
Mike - 73
Tony (40) - 73
Chris D - 71
J.T. - 71
Ben - 70
Tina - 69
Ethan - 68
Cochran - 67
Jenna - 61
Todd - 60
Tom - 60
Earl - 59
Michele - 57
Brian - 56
Sandra (7) - 55
Adam - 53
Kim - 53
Nick - 53
Tommy - 52
Tyson - 48
Amber - 47
Natalie A - 46
Gabler - 45
Sarah - 45
Yul - 45
Aras - 44
Jeremy - 44
Maryanne - 43
Danni - 41
Fabio - 40
Erika - 39
Wendell - 39
Denise - 37
Vecepia - 36
Parvati - 32
Bob - 31
Sandra (20) - 27
Sophie - 25
Chris U - 23
Natalie W - 15
Games beaten in 2023 - 7; Most recent - Professor Layton and the Curious Village