Is anyone else feeling like a fucking normie because all those hot takes topics?

Board 8

Board 8 » Is anyone else feeling like a fucking normie because all those hot takes topics?
Considering how I used to be one of users with the worst and most unpopular opinions here...
I find myself not having many hot takes >_>
How is this possible
Don't sell yourself short. You still have it.
Azuarc is my favorite arc of the Game of the Decade 2020 anime.
I dunno man I just like my Pizza with olives or mushroom or tomatos or whatever other normal topping and I despise pineapple on a pizza just like everyone else
I am too normal
realize that those topics are for people to purposely post bad opinions they know will piss everyone off

you do it naturally, without thinking
Board 8 » Is anyone else feeling like a fucking normie because all those hot takes topics?