Super Nintendo World

Board 8

Anyway, I am sure everyone always wants pics. I got to get those off my phone at some point here so I'll be back with them.

Also the Power Up Bands keep track of coin count. Everything in the land gives coins. It keeps track of daily, and all-time records for the land. Everything you do, from hitting blocks to earning keys, to doing the two real main attractions spit out coins. There are also achievements accessed via the park app that award coins(The app also tracks coins and leaderboards). The daily leaderboards really get competitive. Opening day I spent over 8 hours in the land and finished 7th.

This really gives the land a good bit of replay value and is oddly competitive. There are definitely people that live close to the park that are there every single day. I'd go a bit more but the trip home from Universal can take me a few hours(Vs what is never more than say 20 to 45 minutes to arrive).

I also was a person that hated Universal prior to this. It was far and away my least favorite local theme park to visit. I would have never recommended it to anyone. This is no longer the case. If you are a fan of Mario at all, Super Nintendo World is an absolute must visit. I cannot stress enough how happy the land has made me.

Also I bought myself a T-shirt full of Boo's, a jigsaw puzzle made specifically for the grand opening of the land, and then the biggest Yoshi plush they sell. They will probably get more money from me, especially if they release more Yoshi stuff.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.