Watching Clone Wars (CG TV series) for the first time (no unmarked spoilers)

Board 8

A few random thoughts:

episode 1 : "Ambush" - Yoda centric and an extremely weird "first episode." I didn't know first episodes could be filler until now.
episodes 2-4 : "Malevolence arc" - Really really good. Probably the most I've ever liked the prequel characters.
episode 5 : "Rookies" - Clone soldier centric. I'm gonna pass. This episode reminded me of hanging out with a bunch of JROTC military nerds back in high school.
episodes 6-7 : "R2D2 is Missing" - An average 2 parter. Pretty much called that the gold R2 unit was a spy immediately.
episode 8 : "Bombad Jedi" This one ruled. And it actually featured Anthony Daniels and Ahmed Best reprising the movie roles, so it seems like they put their best foot forward. This did more to redeem Jar Jar as a character in 30 minutes than it had any right to.
episode 9 : "The One with Luminara" This did not make an impression on me at all.
episode 10 : "Grievous's Lair" - featuring KIT FISTO. Meh.
episodes 11-12 "Dooku Captured" arc - Dooku, Anakin, AND Obi-Wan all manage to get captured by a group of idiotic smugglers . Fun premise, but it doesn't quite make logical or narrative sense.
episodes 13-14 "Pacifist Planet" - Stopped short of making any interesting arguments about Pacifism. Perhaps my least favorite episodes so far, but I'm still watching so the show is doing something right.

  • blasters have never been more useless
  • the quotes at the beginning of the episodes kind of suck
  • I still don't really understand the reasoning behind the separatists... at all... besides just simply t's all a setup by darth sidious to justify fascism . Or alternatively because "taxes" . Even then I don't understand why the Republic even cares if planets want to secede.
  • i have a bad feeling about this
while you slept, the world changed