Ugh, my mom bought me a Christmas present that opened up fresh and old wounds...

Board 8

Also not the first time I've ended Christmas depressed. Usually a similar issue. When you are raised to be dirt cheap you get uncomfortable asking for anything. And when you get uncomfortable you end up with a hard time letting any of your wants and interests out. It was great getting money and gift cards when I was a teen but as an adult a pile of money you don't need feels impersonal and soulless. Being much older and self-sufficient now its usually less of a problem, but it still crops up every now and then like tonight.

I enjoy Christmas to meet up with some of my cousins(Not all the same ones my parents showered with money, though I don't mind them either, they are typically a younger age group) and we talk about nerd things and play Smash and whatever little tabletop games one of my cousins brings over. But if I start thinking about all the material things involved over the years it ends up mostly unpleasant.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.