Avatar 2 topic (spoilers)

Board 8

Forceful_Dragon posted...

This was the big thing for me. Ostensibly the only reason they were concerned with Jake wss because he was causing all their problems. No Jake? No problem! Who cares if he buggered off to an island, that means he's not blowing up trains anymore!

That was the kind of faulty logic that takes me out of things.

That's completely ignoring the fact that they completely diverted away from the terrible "Unobtanium" resource which was supposed to have been their entire reason for coming to Pandora in the first place. They replaced one terrible justification for another with the cartoonishly evil space whale brain juices that somehow.prevent aging?

I don't think the issue was as bad as I initally thought it was. The sky people don't find out that Jake ran until a decent bit into the movie and they don't know he is done with the war itself. Like Jake could very well be visiting other villages to solicite for new allies to join the fight. Also, the sky people military aren't really comitting much in terms of resources to the search. It was a small hit team that hired out the poacher guys to help. It's mostly the poacher guys that got wrecked when the mission fell apart.

I don't really mind the magic brain juice. It's a reasonable enough justification on why people might kill. Although, they didn't have to be cartoonishly evil with the killing.
My bracket looked like random picks compared to his.
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