Avatar 2 topic (spoilers)

Board 8

LightningStrikes posted...
I have a question for those who have seen the film.

I will go with my family next week. Should I see it in 3D or Dolby 3D with the high framerate? I have heard mixed things about the use of HFR, so any opinions would be welcome. For what its worth this would be at the cinema Cameron and Landau tuned the film using so maybe that would give a better experience.
I saw it in IMAX 3D with HFR and I think it was absolutely worth it, to the point that I don't think it's worth seeing it in any other way. The best parts of the movie were the visual spectacle, so it's worth going all out. There are a few caveats though...

First, a lot of the average movie-going public generally finds high frame rates to be weird or cheap looking (mainly because it's associated with soap operas). For people who play a lot of video games and are used to high FPS it shouldn't be a problem, but if you're going with family who may not have that experience they may not enjoy it.

Second it should be noted that only parts of the movie are HFR. Some of it is in 48 FPS, some of it is 24 FPS doubled, and some of it is straight up still in 24 FPS(!!). It would only be mildly jarring to see it switch frame rates throughout the the film, but there are some scenes where the FPS changes depending on the camera shot, causing it to swap multiple times in a minute, and it's really distracting. I would still say it's worth going to see it in HFR anyway, but it's important to be prepared for that because it might bother you.
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan