Post your favorite MCU scene and I'll rank it

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Board 8 » Post your favorite MCU scene and I'll rank it
Or if you have more than one favorite scene (why wouldn't you) then post the first that comes to mind.
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
I have no idea what my favorite is, but the first thing to pop into my head was "That's America's ass." So, um, sure, Captain mirror battle.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
Loki and Sylvie encounter He Who Remains
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
Seplito Nash, Smelling Like the Vault since 1996
Step FOUR! Get Paid!
<Come and Get Your Love> - Incredible opening scene, possibly the best of all time. I was recently conversing with my dad about the difference between GotG and the first Suicide Squad movie (which he unfortunately thought was a good movie but I think he's starting to see the light).

The former works perfectly because the soundtrack is part of the story - the reason those classic songs fit in with the cosmic setting is because our protagonist is from earth and carries specific music with him as a form of identity. Whereas SS used popular songs to draw people in even when said songs had literally nothing to do with the movie, and even thematically clashed with the quote unquote plot.

  • Rating - 10/10

<Vulture Car> - Perfectly chilling and revealed to me just how good of an actor Michael Keaton is. To the point that he retroactively became my favorite live-action Batman actor (not that there's significant competition). It's also one of the few examples of a comic book villain being improved by a real life actor -- Vulture isn't that interesting in the comics imo.

Also this scene is reminiscent of the car scene from Seven, and sure I run the risk of ending up on the cancel list by mentioning Kevin Spacey, but he made an incredible villainous character which in hindsight makes a lot of sense.

  • Rating - 8/10

<Fake Pietro> - WandaVision was fresh and unique, giving us hope that the following shows would attempt to break the mold in the same way... well that didn't happen. So WandaVision continues to stand on its own above the rest... except for this one problem. Where they introduced the alt version of Pietro just to make a boner joke. I will never not be upset with that move, I get it, and I can't even say I wasn't expecting it to be a red herring, but it just could have been better. And it was a disappointing precedent for events moving forward.

That said, the scene itself was incredible on first viewing. The credits rolling and then Vision saying "nope we ain't done" and then the twist with Fox Quicksilver knocking at the door. Shit was wild. I'll never forget how obsessed we all were with Mephisto at the time. Unfortunately our anticipations always get the best of us and the end result winds up disappointing. Oh well.

  • Rating - 6/10 (would be higher if the twist actually led to something substantial)

<America's Ass> - Hmm, I usually don't care for mirror matches. The MCU has too many of them as it is. But it does seem to get better with every iteration, plus Cap is my favorite Marvel hero, so this scene definitely earns some points with me. Plus it helps that Chris Evans does indeed have a nice butt. Just sayin'

  • Rating - 5/10

(Actual ranks will come later, for now note that these ratings are not IGN style. 5 doesn't mean bad)
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - "Come a Little Bit Closer"
darkx Twitch - MattyDsCorner
Games beaten in 2022 - 17; Most recent - Pokemon Snap [REPLAY]
My first thought I might nominate later if we get seconds, but my second thought was, "Ooh, I can nominate Agents of SHIELD. I know just the scene."

Agents of SHIELD Season 7 spoilers

Enoch's Sacrifice
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Guess I should have mentioned there would be unmarked spoilers in this topic, I'm usually more cognizant of that. Rest assured, I will keep the spoilers contained to each movie/show so if you haven't watched it, don't read my write-up of its chosen scenes.

Mega_Mana posted...
My first thought I might nominate later if we get seconds, but my second thought was, "Ooh, I can nominate Agents of SHIELD."

Ah, so, you can definitely nominate seconds after I get to your first. HOWEVER, I have not watched any of the Netflix shows, even Daredevil. I don't consider them to be "true MCU" entries. Regardless of whether that's true or not, I have no interest in watching any. Especially Agents of SHIELD. So I apologize, but I will not be able to rank that one.
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
You should watch Daredevil anyway though
I remember watching some of it, definitely saw the hallway fight for sure. And after Charlie Cox's amazing entrance into the MCU (both NWH and She-Hulk) I'm much more receptive to the idea of watching Netflix Daredevil. It's on the list at least.
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.

Dealing with Vengeance (Captain America: Civil War)
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
<Loki Finale> - I assume you're talking about when the duo meets Kang. Admittedly I wasn't super into the show as a whole, although the last two eps were indeed interesting. It just endlessly annoyed me that Loki wore a regular human suit. I know it's uncomfortable to sport the extravagant god of mischief attire and maybe it would have dipped too far into the budget, but fuck dude. The Asgardian clothing is dope.

Oh uh but aside from that, the meeting with Kang was def a highlight. I think. I remember enjoying it, but I honestly can't remember much of an impact from it. Intended to introduce the multiverse but well... I kind of think it made it more convoluted instead. For instance you can enjoy NWH and MoM without knowing anything about Loki's show. But then I also expect season 1 to be more interesting on a rewatch later after Kang and all of this is more developed, a lot of the MCU gets better after more context comes to light afterall.

  • Rating - 4/10?

<Come a Little Bit Closer> - Ooooh this is a fantastically fun sequence. I do have to come clean about my first time watching this film though, because it was a clear example of tonal whiplash for me. Not because of the movie itself, but because it was around the time that I was catching up with Game of Thrones. I was acclimated to realistic bloody violence, so when I saw real people being exploded into the sky and falling back to the ground repeatedly with not even a scratch it completely threw me off. I was expecting people to get stabbed through the mouth at any moment and I realized I just wasn't in the right mindset to enjoy GotG2 at the time.

Since then I've viewed it multiple times with a better mindset, and god damn it's such a wonderful movie. The only complaint I maintain is that Drax should never heartily guffaw, he's not supposed to express any extreme emotions one way or the other (except maybe anger, Drax the Destroyer etc).

But I should probably talk about the scene in question now, Yondu is another comic character they managed to take from nothing and make into something. His presence in GotG2 is nothing if not heroic, and even when he's mercilessly destroying mooks left and right with a weapon that seems like it could rule the galaxy, he still comes off as a chill dude who just wants to reunite with his estranged abducted-son. Perfect father figure tbh.

  • Rating - 9/10 at least

<Black Panther's enlightenment> - I know you're mad at me about the AoS conundrum, but then you managed to pick one of the greatest scenes in all of MCU. So hopefully you can forgive me. Because let me reiterate: Black Panther's confrontation with Zemo is possibly a top 5 moment in the entirety of the franchise.

This is a true hero right here, someone who realizes that vengeance isn't something worth fighting for. To the point where he actually saves the person he was seeking to kill. That alone is a fantastic turning point for a hero, but it gets even better when you consider he's saving the villain from committing suicide.

"The living are not done with you yet."


Just damn. I can't come up with the proper words to describe how much I love this scene. It sold me on the character immediately.

  • Rating - 10(11?)/10

<WHY is Gamora?> - Easily one of the funniest Drax scenes, and perfect characterization for him. You can pretty much throw me any scene from Infinity War and it will most likely make whatever I choose to call S Tier. The entire movie is on another level from anything else -- whether comic book inspired or otherwise.

  • Rating - Infinity War/10
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.

(Idk why this repeats)
Not to be confused with XIII_Minerals.
Am I ignored or did I just get skipped
Seplito Nash, Smelling Like the Vault since 1996
Step FOUR! Get Paid!
Shit! Sorry SEP, def didn't mean to skip you

<Giant Man's inauguration> - I'm much more a fan of tiny Ant-Man than giant Ant-Man... that is to say, this was a fun scene because Paul Rudd is one of our world's greatest treasures. But otherwise, I couldn't care less about Giant Man. It worked nice here for a surprise to throw the "enemies" off, but then it quickly becomes a liability. The bigger they are the harder they fall indeed. Scott Lang pulled it off for a good purpose here, no doubt, but I'm glad they don't care to revisit the ability much after this.

I'm also realizing that as time goes on, I have less affection for Civil War. Even though I still love it dearly, I have gradually felt more down on it after Infinity War/Endgame showed us what we could've had if they just held off until there were way more superheroes to involve. Then again, the story wouldn't work without Captain America and Iron Man so... eh. I can't really fault them for getting it out of the way early either.

The best aspect of Giant Man in said film was after the fact when Spider-Man took him down with an ESB reference.

  • Rating - 6/10 (7/10 with the Spidey takedown)
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
CassandraCain posted...
Shit! Sorry SEP, def didn't mean to skip you

Oh, whew, no biggie! Was just making sure I didn't do something dumb lately.
Seplito Nash, Smelling Like the Vault since 1996
Step FOUR! Get Paid!
No worries, it's usually a safe bet that it's me being the dumb one!
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.

I'm referring to 0:00 to 2:10 in the vid
Well done to azuarc for finishing 67 places above me in the 2020 GOTD Guru Contest!
Call from demon - with dark power to tempt your mind, very proud of the power. Destroy the firing shot!
CassandraCain posted...
- I know you're mad at me about the AoS conundrum, but then you managed to pick one of the greatest scenes in all of MCU. So hopefully you can forgive me. Because let me reiterate: Black Panther's confrontation with Zemo is possibly a top 5 moment in the entirety of the franchise.

This is a true hero right here, someone who realizes that vengeance isn't something worth fighting for. To the point where he actually saves the person he was seeking to kill. That alone is a fantastic turning point for a hero, but it gets even better when you consider he's saving the villain from committing suicide.

"The living are not done with you yet."


Just damn. I can't come up with the proper words to describe how much I love this scene. It sold me on the character immediately.

Rating - 10(11?)/10

Absolutely. This scene, and its contextual relation to many other characters in the movie, is why Captain America: Civil War is my favorite MCU movie. I love how so many characters in this movie interact and react to each other, bump and push them in different directions; how loss and grief affect you, and how you channel it going forward; the roles of fathers and relationships with and without closure; how everyone can have different opinions about something based on their knowledge, point of view, and history and still be true to themselves. So many characters go into and come out of this movie that are challenged by a scene like this. And you know what? Now that I think about it more, I'm going to nominate this scene again.

Dealing with Vengeance II (Spider-Man: No Way Home)

"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Captain America WWII song
Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
<Steve and Tony's heart to heart> - This is the kind of scene that I didn't appreciate enough before now. We needed more moments of these two simply having a conversation.

Granted they did a good job of portraying the friendly rivalry between the two with minimal screen time dedicated to their relationship. They bicker a lot but you can tell they have deep affectionate respect for each other. It's a good example of "less is more" but at the same time it would have been nice to see Cap, Iron Man, and Thor interact as friends more before Civil War.

I also would have loved to see Thor return afterward to put Tony in his place, like in the comics --although that was more fueled by Iron Man's disrespectful cloning of the god of thunder.

  • Rating - 7/10

<Pierce is a bad guy omg> - I mean it was probably obvious from the start that this guy was up to no good, he just has a villain bearing to him. Maybe that ain't the point, because this was still a wonderfully executed "twist". Pierce is the type of guy who wants to do the right thing but will go to extremes to achieve his misguided goals. That's always a more interesting character flaw than basically wanting to commit evil acts.

This scene is shot perfectly, with you questioning the shadowy figure at the table, making you first suspect that he's there to cause problems. Then Pierce nonchalantly reveals that he's the one in control. And it's punctuated by his slightly regretful murder of an innocence housekeeper.

I assume it would have been cooler without prior knowledge of the Winter Soldier storyline, but who other than my dad didn't know his identity ahead of time?

  • Rating - Appropriately Chilling/10

<Ant-Man lost> - I probably need to give Ant-Man and the Wasp (AMatW?) another try. Since it was released after Infinity War I was expecting it to have more to do with that film, clearly that was not the case. So the credit scene ended up being my favorite part, which isn't entirely fair. Regardless, it sets up Scott's involvement in Endgame, if it wasn't for him being trapped in the Quantum Realm the Snap might never have been undone.

Also thanks to the random rat that freed him, it's as much of a hero as any of the Avengers. Did anyone name the rat yet? If not I declare he be called Randy. Randy the Rat. The hero we needed but never wanted.

  • Rating - 5/10 I guess
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
The rat is clearly a shape-shifted variant Loki.
Fair enough then his name must be Randie.
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
She-Hulk spoilers, since it's still fairly new: The end of the last episode, when she breaks the fourth wall and meets KEVIN.
Not sure it's my favorite but as a huge Mysterio fan this was actually pretty close to perfect for me
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
<The Twerk Avenger> - It would be no doubt sexist of me to say anything negative about this show, so instead I'll sing my praise over this beautiful sequence of filmography. Completely genuine over here.

Never in my life have I seen such a perfect interpretation of female inequality. You can easily determine just how much each of these upstanding citizens have been through with the incessant cat-calling and disproportionate ogling of their physical assets. Those asshole white dudes who completely disregard their infallible intelligence and feminine wiles are just exacerbating the true injustices in the world.

Even without any verbal dialog, their asses speak volumes about the current state of the industry. With every jiggle they represent a thematic issue within the world that needs to be addressed and dealt with. They recognize that the general public is too focused on the wrong aspects of society, so they wiggle their butts up and down as a sign of distress and the hope that you'll listen to their very real warnings about our future. Only through twerking can we begin to see real and significant change for the better.

WALL-E wishes it could have such effective non-verbal dialog as this single scene does.

  • Rating - GIRL POWER/10
I fucking hate that song for real though, baby shark quality imo

<Men Out of Time> - Arnim Zola could have been a more influential presence, but ultimately I'm just glad we got at least this one sequence of him being a maniacal genius. I suspect we'll see more of him in the future considering he's essentially a computer program now, and it'd be silly if he didn't include some backup mainframe for his mind to retreat to after the main complex was destroyed by his own volition.

Aside from that, this scene added some neat intrigue to the plot of the film. I'm not really sure that it led to anything substantial, as it was mostly just there for exposition. But hell, you need some expositional dumps at times, and there's a right way or an uninspired generic way to do it. Thankfully MCU leans towards the right way.

  • Rating - 6/10ish

<Spider-Man Avengeance> - First and foremost, Tom Holland was born to play Spider-Man. Look at the stance he immediately takes as he faces Goblin. Anyone else would look like a fool leaning down like that before a fight. Tommy boy looks legit threatening. But at the same time you can see the hesitance and remorse that he's feeling.

Admittedly that just may be me projecting, either way you can't deny that he carries the spirit of Spidey. And it's even more apparent with T-Spider and A-Spider around to hype him up. Respectively Tobey represents Peter Parker while Andrew provides a more entertaining Spider-Man. Tom combines both equally to provide a well-rounded character who realistically struggles with his dual identities.

Even more crazy is that Tom Spidey has a much more integral confrontation with Green Goblin than Tobey Spidey did. Old aunt May was injured, but she survived perfectly fine afterward, and if honesty was a factor Tobey wouldn't have lost his best friend and girlfriend at the same time. Harry just needed to know his father was a villain, and MJ was in danger no matter what so denying her love while still trying to be her best friend is just... dumb.

I also feel like a broken record when I mention how Willem Dafoe stole the show, but come on. He did. I remember being slightly disappointed at first when he destroyed his mask, only to find out firsthand how perfect he is for such a demented character. No manufactured mask could ever even come close to compete with how terrifying this man can appear with just his facial expressions. It's almost a retroactive crime to cover up such a magnificent performance with a silly looking gremlin helmet.

Sorry I have a lot of opinions about this movie, but this should only be about the scene in question. Needless to say it's fantastic. T-Spidey is working through his very understandable desire to carry out vengeance while simultaneously struggling with his understanding of justice, notably the idea of "great power is great responsibility". I don't care what anybody says, this important lesson being vocalized by aunt May (instead of Ben) and then reinforced by the previous Spider-Mans is transcendent storytelling. With all of the writing inconsistencies it's downright unreal that this movie ended up being one of the greatest of all time.

Also Tobey preventing Goblin from being impaled on his own glider again is nothing if not poetic justice.

  • Rating - Unrateable/10
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
CassandraCain posted...
- WandaVision was fresh and unique, giving us hope that the following shows would attempt to break the mold in the same way... well that didn't happen. So WandaVision continues to stand on its own above the rest... except for this one problem. Where they introduced the alt version of Pietro just to make a boner joke. I will never not be upset with that move, I get it, and I can't even say I wasn't expecting it to be a red herring, but it just could have been better. And it was a disappointing precedent for events moving forward.

That said, the scene itself was incredible on first viewing. The credits rolling and then Vision saying "nope we ain't done" and then the twist with Fox Quicksilver knocking at the door. Shit was wild. I'll never forget how obsessed we all were with Mephisto at the time. Unfortunately our anticipations always get the best of us and the end result winds up disappointing. Oh well.

Rating - 6/10 (would be higher if the twist actually led to something substantial)
In defense of this

while I definitely get the frustration with the actual twist in the long term, I still think the scene stands really well on it's own. Hell everything before Pietro is a top tier scene among the MCU shows for me, but then after the Pietro reveal, it's just like you were saying. No moment among the shows has come close to capturing that same feeling of absolute shock and thrill for me
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
Inviso thinks all starters should be Fire/Fighting.
Johnbobb posted...
while I definitely get the frustration with the actual twist in the long term, I still think the scene stands really well on it's own.

Yeah that's what I was attempting to convey with my write-up. If you ignore the long term disappointment and just take the scene for what it is, it's an incredible twist. They played it perfectly by using the Fox Pietro, and even rewatching it makes you super excited to see something that never comes to fruition. Which is the main issue, as I said, it's just a shame that such an amazing shock of a moment lead to literally nothing.

Even so, by itself, perfectly executed scene.
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
"Video games are meant to be just one thing. Fun. Fun for everyone." -Satoru Iwata
"11533 >>> 1001 imo" - Jeff Zero
<Justin Hammer Hammin it Up> - First and foremost this is the type of character who I would normally hate, and sure enough the first time I saw this film he didn't appeal to me. Then I got to know Sam Rockwell more as an actor (go watch Seven Psychos if you haven't yet), and damn he's probably one of my favorites. Knowing Justin Hammer and then knowing Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer is a unique and interesting experience.

This scene, where he's doing his best salesman impression while also being ridiculous, it's exquisite. That's not a word I've often used but it fits here I believe. This shifty man does a perfect job of selling his destructive merchandise while also portraying to the audience that he's inept and won't actually pose much of a threat to our hero. Because that role falls on another more quietly intelligent person.

I don't have any fallible reason for loving this scene other than Sam Rockwell being a rockstar. More than any other character I'm excited for the possibility of him returning to the MCU. Even if you told me Chris Evans might come back, I would be more interested in chance of getting Justin Hammer back. He's silly and hilarious and ridiculous and also hilarious.

Justin Hammer for president 2024

  • Rating - Justin Hammer for President/10

<Captain America Broadway> - Sorry my anagram I don't have much to say about this one. I probably love the first Cap movie more than most, and the broadway musical was no doubt a highlight. They had to include Captain America punching Hitler in the face, somehow someway, and this was essentially the best way.

I also respect how they acknowledged the classic Cap attire while heralding in a new modern looking costume.

Also it was a phenomenal tactic for a montage. Start with the goofy musical that eventually leads into a wartime setting which appropriately reveals our hero's abilities and strength.

I love Captain America, he's such a good dude.

  • Rating - Put a Stop to Bullying/10
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
Shang-Chi defeating the dragon demon thing whose name I forget
Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
Frigga's funeral
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
Hulk smashes Loki
Come watch me on Twitch:
azuarc beat me.
Anagram posted...
Shang-Chi defeating the dragon demon thing whose name I forget

Fucking 0
Not to be confused with XIII_Minerals.
Johnbobb posted...

Why were those two guards both standing in the puddles.
CassandraCain posted...
<The Twerk Avenger> - It would be no doubt sexist of me to say anything negative about this show, so instead I'll sing my praise over this beautiful sequence of filmography. Completely genuine over here.

Never in my life have I seen such a perfect interpretation of female inequality. You can easily determine just how much each of these upstanding citizens have been through with the incessant cat-calling and disproportionate ogling of their physical assets. Those asshole white dudes who completely disregard their infallible intelligence and feminine wiles are just exacerbating the true injustices in the world.

Even without any verbal dialog, their asses speak volumes about the current state of the industry. With every jiggle they represent a thematic issue within the world that needs to be addressed and dealt with. They recognize that the general public is too focused on the wrong aspects of society, so they wiggle their butts up and down as a sign of distress and the hope that you'll listen to their very real warnings about our future. Only through twerking can we begin to see real and significant change for the better.

i posted it to troll but this post is something else
BlackDra90n posted...
Why were those two guards both standing in the puddles.
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
I mean

someone has to post this one right
Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?
Aecioo posted...
i posted it to troll but this post is something else

Yeh figured I'd play along and try out some trolling of my own
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
Board 8 » Post your favorite MCU scene and I'll rank it
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