Snake Ranks Anything Horror Related - LIVE! (sort of)

Board 8

I had a rather unusual experience with P.T.

Played it at a friend's place when it was brand new and I hadn't fallen in love with horror yet. All I really knew going in was that I'd be hunted by Lisa as the game went on. Yet...I never saw her, even at the top of the stairs where she's one to be. Now, I was a woefully fearful thing at the time, and even in just rounding the corner I'd peer around the wall and make sure that the coast was clear before proceeding. My theory is that the game somehow knew I would be more terrified in anticipating Lisa than actually confronting her. Generally with horror, you see the monster once and the shock factor rears diminishing returns on repeat encounters--but I never even had the chance! I could be misremembering, especially since you are supposed to trap yourself in the bathroom iirc, but the game really let me take my time and see it through to the end (my friend had the final puzzle's solution on-hand--no way in hell was I going to work that out lmao). Got to see all the sights: the refrigerator chandelier, the fetus, the photo fragments , the radio broadcasts. But, no monster. Had the game paused for minutes on end too , and didn't even encounter THAT alleged scare . She did make a proper appearance on my second playthrough, and fairly early into the run.

Love this game and am deeply saddened that I may never get to experience it again. Like you said though, its elusivity makes it all the more special. Like that one creepypasta yarn about the game that you can only play through once before it deletes itself from your hard drive and is impossible to reinstall, but made real and way cooler.
Hi. I wanna play you something.