WoW Patch Summary (Very bad)

Board 8

i remember back in wrath when they intentionally broke the addon that was drawing on the floor where you were supposed to stand. it sounds like they need to do something like that with over-the-top WA functionality

they should make the switch during a content drought at the end of an expansion, hand in hand with like a 20% nerf (or whatever is appropriate) to current raids that the playerbase overgears anyway. this will ease players through that transition

the whole situation is 100% a player/community issue. players get mad and call the game casual if professionals clear mythic in the first week. The only way to prevent that is to make the fights so ball-bustingly hard that even savants with insane skill (and in this case, ridiculous addons as well) can't do it. And then players will get mad about that when it's their turn to hit that wall and want every advantage they can get, even if it's unpleasant.

What the thing the vocal playerbase seems to ignore is that if you're not part of the psychotic (or professional, whatever term) retinue of world first contenders, you have control over how much pain you put yourself through.

the nice thing about MMOs is that content is self-nerfing via gear. If you take away the most powerful addons, mid- and low-tier tryhards will still progress a few weeks after the pros

idk if it's changed, but back in legion you could clear mythic raids within two months with DBM and a chill guild, no crazy grind required
You did indeed stab me in the back. However, you are only level one, whilst I am level 50. That means I should remain uninjured.