WoW Patch Summary (Very bad)

Board 8

Genoard posted...
I just can't stomach the weekly grind of m+ anymore or being told by the raid leader to download another weakaura to avoid any sort of player agency or decision making.

Your raid leader has been placed in a toxic position of only ranks mattering and if you fall behind the weak aura power race you'll lose the players you need to play.

Blizzard needed to break weak auras when they started to do things well beyond being a better way to display information you already had(These old features are actually somewhat baked into the game now).

Now they've let them go for too far and the failure to take a stance would probably get too much community backlash. You have too many players that dont want to play the game but would be happy with every boss being Patchwerk..
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.