Anyone else play the LoL RPG: Ruined King?

Board 8

trdl23 posted...
How's the storyline? The Ruination in-game event for LoL had some atrocious writing, but the story beats had potential if someone with some skill had a shot at it.

It's pretty typical "save the world" kinda storyline but the character interactions and motivations are pretty good so far.

My biggest complaint is that all of the areas are a little samey since it's only set in Bilgewater. It's a lot of sunken temples and blue/grey color palettes.

Similar tone to Arcane but the plot is pretty simple comparatively. It's a very typical RPG plotline of "a group of strangers need to work together to save the world and they become friends and blah blah"

It was only like 10 dollars with the Epic coupon and I've already gotten 20 hours out of it so for that price I'm having fun. It very much feels like a well executed classic RPG and it would have been at home on the PS1 or PS2 back in the day.