Have you ever read Infinite Jest?

Board 8

ShatteredElysium posted...
I hadn't heard of it so googled it. 1000 pages isn't even that bad unless there's something about the writing style / narrative that is jarring.

about that

Despite loving the book itself it is definitely not a smooth read and there are parts of it that just DRAG (like the tennis tournament which is where I imagine most people finally tap out). DFW is very much a believer that the reader is not your friend.

But there are so many running threads throughout that I think are more than enough to push through - The Entertainment, Madame Psychosis, The Wheelchair Assassins, everything to do with Eschaton and the like ten pages of calculus in the endnotes explaining it (even if I think some of the math is sketchy), basically anything not-Tennis related. Though some of the ETA stuff is great too like the possessions and whatnot.

That being said, I would never recommend it to anybody and would probably discourage people from starting it. The people who would enjoy it are the ones who would actively ignore the warning anyway.

Specifically to me though, as someone who did unfortunately try to eliminate my own map, I'd never seen something written that so accurately depicted my feelings in that moment as the first Kate Gompert chapter. After reading that I committed to finishing it, and I'm glad I did. DFW can write an incidental character better than any author I know tbqh
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